New Enrollment fiscal requirements
RFC & CURP validation |
Why do I need to validate my RFC & CURP? | The “Miscelánea Fiscal 2022” proposes the obligation for all persons over 18 years old, to process their Federal Taxpayer Register (RFC). |
How can I validate my RFC & CURP? |
As part of the Plexus operation processes, we request your support to validate your CURP and RFC. This request responds to the mandatory guidelines by the Mexican authorities in the exercise of tax compliance. If you do not know where to consult your RFC and CURP please visit the following links where you can do so at no cost: Collection and validation of these data are important at the time of your registration since with them we can create your account. If you would like to update your RFC in the system, please follow these steps: |
How to Update your RFC or CURP with Plexus |
As of March 11th 2022, you now have the ability to update your RFC or CURP in your Online Account. Simply log in to your Account at and go to My Account > Profile:
Fiscal requirements for Commission Payments
Constancia de situación fiscal |
¿Why do I need my constancia de situación fiscal? |
As of April 30th, 2022, the CFDI version 4.0 will come into force; where it’s been established the obligation to provide the following information as it appears in your “Constancia de situación fiscal”.
What do you have to do? |
Please consider that: Providing this document is mandatory for all Brand Ambassadors, otherwise the CFDI cannot be issued, and we will not be able to transfer your payment. |
If you have any question, please contact our customer service center: 335-004-1060 |